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Private Pay

  • Session are billed at the end of each month.
  • Payments are due by the end of the following month, and can be made by cash, check (made out to "MTEC"), or credit card/PayPal account by using the PayPal button on our website home page.


Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities

  • Session are billed at the end of each month.
  • Families who live within Cuyahoga County are approved for a set amount for the year, which runs January-December.
  • CCBDD provides coverage for 100% of services, up to the total amount approved for the family.

Lorain County Board of Developmental Disabilities

  • Session are billed at the end of the month.
  • Families who live within Lorain County are approved for a set amount per calendar quarter.
  • LCBDD provides coverage for a percentage of services, up to the total amount approved for the family per quarter.
  • Families are responsible for a percentage of services; co-pay varies per family.

Autism Scholarship Program

  • Students who utilize the Autism Scholarship Program (ASP) cannot concurrently receive any schooling/services from their home school district.  However, the home school district is still responsible for creating the student's IEP.
  • Students are approved for a set amoung of funding for the year (July-June), to be allocated to approved providers of the ASP.
  • Students must be diagnosed with Autism and be at least 3 years old to utilize the ASP.

Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship

  • Students who utilize the Jon Peterson Speical Needs Scholarship (JPSN) cannot concurrently receive any schooling/services from their home school district.  However, the home school district is still responsible for creating the student's IEP.
  • Students are approved for a set amoung of funding for the year (July-June), to be allocated to approved providers of the JPSN.
  • Students can be diagnosed with any special need (including Autism) requiring an IEP, and must be elegible to enroll in kindergarden through 12th grade, to utilize the JPSN.

IEP-Based Funding through Public School Districts and Alternative Education Programs

  • Music Therapy can be a related service on a student's IEP.  The IEP team must determine the appropriateness of Music Therapy as a related service, for each individual student.
  • Alternative learning programs, such as home-schooling or online learning programs, can also approve Music Therapy as a related service on a student's IEP.  MTEC has had success working with programs such as ECOT, OHDELA and BOSS.

Other Funding Sources

  • MTEC clients have received funding from a variety of scholarship programs, which have provided partial funding for their individual Music Therapy sessions.
  • MTEC has accepted scholarships/funding from Different Needz Foundation, Zane's Foundation, and Beyond Words Foundation.

Medical Insurance

  • MTEC has not yet succesfully billed medical insuance for music therapy.  However, we are willing to work with families on pursuing this, should you be interested.   Another funding source/private pay would be required for any services not covered by medical insurance.
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26121 Center Ridge Road, Westlake, Ohio 44145          phone 440.250.0091

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